Tag: Raines Custom Design Web Sites

Weekend at Archery World.

November 24th, 2008

Marking the completion of a project is always a good and bad time. Basically it means a few things. First, it’s rewarding to see all the hard work that went into a project visible on the web and being utlized by your client. Second, it’s great to hear the positive notes and reactions from the sites visitors. Third and sadly, it means that the day to day conversations with some really great people are coming to a close. Thankfully though, these relationships don’t ever go away completely.

This past weekend marked one of those times. Route 157 Archery World’s open house was a great success, with many archers gathering to celebrate the first official day of business for an awesome, 16,000 square foot archery facility in Venus, Pennsylvania. As far as I can find, this is the largest indoor 3D range in the country! They are planning to be open 7 days a week for the next 5 months and will have a host of events scheduled in coming weeks. There are also going to be classes available for new archers, and tough competition that will challenge even the most experienced archers. Check it out! www.route157archeryworld.com.

While I was at the open house I ran into a local photographer by the name of Brett Whitling www.brettwhitling.com. Our great conversation about digital photography made clear my lack of skill. Thankfully he was very willing to help this DSLR newbie and I picked up a couple tips.

All in all this was a great event, and I look forward to shooting at Archery World again. I’m sure there is going to be more chatter about this great 3D range in the near future.

Archery World Sign

Archery World SignPart of the range.Part of the range.